Author: Tanner West
Swift Views in iOS Native Components, Part 1: UIKit Views
It’s fairly easy to get started using iOS Native components in React Native. At the time of writing, this is the example given in the React Native docs. It’s straightforward – you subclass RCTViewManager and implement a view method that returns a UIView. Obviously you’ll soon want to start creating more custom views. Like this […]
How I generate mock API data using AI
One thing I’ve always found frustrating about building app prototypes was getting mock API data to use in the app. You can use free resources like JSONPlaceholder and PokéAPI, but sometimes you need content tailored to your own use case. Creating API data manually is tedious, but thankfully, we live in the age of AI […]
A step-by-step guide to Swift native modules
If you don’t have any prior experience with native development, getting started with native modules can seem intimidating. The React Native docs do a good job introducing native iOS modules, and this guide is not intended to replace what they’ve provided. Instead, I hope it supplements the docs as an additional resource. My aim here […]